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From Humble Beginnings To Global Dominance

Voith: A Global Technology Leader

From Humble Beginnings to Global Dominance

Voith: A Story of Innovation and Success

In the heart of Southern Germany, in the town of Heidenheim, Voith was founded in 1867. Today, this technology group boasts a global presence, headquartered in the very same town where it all began. Voith's broad portfolio of systems, products, and services has made it a force to be reckoned with in the industry.

Voith Group stands as a testament to the power of innovation and dedication. Its extensive research and development efforts have led to breakthrough technologies that have revolutionized various industries. From hydropower systems to paper machines and turbomachinery, Voith's solutions have played a vital role in shaping modern infrastructure and manufacturing.

Beyond its technological prowess, Voith also places great emphasis on sustainability and corporate responsibility. The company's commitment to protecting the environment and fostering social progress is evident in its operations and initiatives. Voith's belief in a brighter future drives its ongoing pursuit of excellence and its unwavering dedication to creating a positive impact on the communities it serves.
